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Info lebih lanjut kirim email ke evocrus@gmail.com

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Info lebih lanjut kirim email ke evocrus@gmail.com

Monday, June 29, 2015

VB.NET Dataset designer generated dataset1.designer

delete all the ds*.designer.vb, don't worry because it can be regenerated. Close your project. Edit the project.vbproj file in XML mode. You will find an entry in the group that reads:
1:  <None Include="*myDataSet*.xsd">  
2:   <SubType>Designer</SubType>  
3:   <Generator>MSDataSetGenerator</Generator>  
4:   <LastGenOutput>*myDataSet*1.Designer.cs</LastGenOutput>  
5:  </None>  
Change the item to remove the "1". Save and close the file. Reopen your project. When you regenerate your dataset, it should be back to normal.

VB.Net dataset designer cannot regenerate designer code

Try the following:
  1. Click on the XSD file in the solution explorer
  2. Click on the properties tab and check the Custom Tool Property. In there you should find MSDataSetGenerator. If it’s not there, type it there
  3. Once done right click the XSD file and click the menu item Run Custom Tool.

VB.Net Prevent Multiple Instance Windows Application

Sometimes user accidentally double click the application exe and open multiple app that automatically consume our memory resource and make the entire CPU goes lag, to prevent that below is the code to check whether user already open the application or not.

 If Process.GetProcessesByName(Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName).Length > 1 Then  
        MessageBox.Show("your message", "title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)  
 End If  

Put the code in main startup form.
Hope This Help,